Anna Wintour Reveals Her Keys to Success

In a new book, Winners: And How They Succeed, by Alastair Campbell,  Anna Wintour reveals her keys to success.  Outlined below are a few of the points with quotes from Wintour:

Fail: 'Everyone should be sacked at least once in their career because 'perfection doesn't exist'. 'It's important to have setbacks, because that is the reality of life.'

Decide: 'It makes it clearer for everyone else. Most people prevaricate. I decide fast.'

Delegate & Utilize other People’s Strengths: 'People work better when they have responsibility’

Get Up Earlyshe rises at 5am everyday

Fake It Until You Make It: “Even if you aren’t sure of yourself, pretend that you are” 

Turn Off on the Weekend: "I don’t have a high-powered life out of work. I like to go to the country for the weekend with the kids and the dog and play tennis. I am very good at turning off.”

Five Things to Know for Week of March 2nd

Five Things To Know as you start your week... 
  1. Netanyahu will be delivering an address before Congress tomorrow.
  2. DHS funding bill is still being debated in Congress.
  3. ISIS is still a problem. Russia is still a problem too.  
  4. Supreme Court hears Obamacare arguments tomorrow. 
  5. The Ides of March Madness are Upon Us.
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